Write a Univocalic Poem with your class!
Only one vowel? Is that possible?
A Univocalic is a poem that uses only a single vowel in all of its words. Just like in my fun example above, these poems are a great opportunity for your children to laser focus and be really choosy about the words they want to use in their creative writing. These poems don’t have to be long and your children can have lots of fun gathering together words with one vowel and then crafting them into a short poem that can be as convoluted, crazy and bizarre as they like!
More able children will be able to compile a list of appropriate words they can use later on but some children may benefit from a prepared wordbank put together by the teacher. Like Steve Needs Cheese, your children can make use of rhyme, rhythm, alliteration and repetition to make their poem a piece worth sharing with others.
If you do decide to have a go at writing a Univocalic poem with your class please send any successful pieces to me here at www.ianbland.com, I’d love to share them with other teachers and children on my visits to schools across the UK!
Have fun writing and performing with your class!